International Peacemaking Speaker

Knoxville is fortunate to have Arda Aghazarian, a Palestinian Christian and a visiting International Peacemaker, to speak at Westminster Presbyterian Church on Sunday, October 7 at 7:00pm. Ms. Aghazarian was born and reared in the Old City of Jerusalem and studied at Birzeit University in the West Bank. Inspired to … Read More


Everyone is invited to gather at the shelter at Metcalf Bottoms Picnic area on Saturday, October 6 for the Matt Mathews Memorial Breakfast. Because of Matt’s love of the mountains, we honor him with this annual trek to the Smokies. A warm, hearty breakfast will be served starting at 9:00 … Read More

Rally Day is September 9, 2012!

Rally Day is approaching! We invite you to join us on Sunday, September 9 for either the 9 am or 11 am worship service. While here, we encourage you to attend Sunday School in the Fellowship Hall at 10 am in order to hear about all the many opportunities that … Read More

Potluck and Gospel Singalong!

Come celebrate the songs that both tell the story of our history as well as embrace the future of our church family! On Sunday, August 26 at 5 pm we will gather in the courtyard for an old fashioned potluck picnic on the Westminster courtyard  lawn. After filling our bellies, … Read More

August 10, 2012

What a beautiful summer season we are having at Westminster! We welcome new members Mary and Jim Boyd, Jan Bailey, Jessie Lynn Allen, and Dan and Christina Lipe into our church family of faith. This coming Sunday, missionaries Larry and Barbara Moir will be our guest in the pulpit. Please … Read More

Habitat Build

Westminster Habitat Blitz approaching –  We will soon start another Habitat house build.  Blitz day is August 4th and will be divided into morning and afternoon shifts. See the sheets in the Schilling Gallery to sign-up or for more information. There will be additional work days over the following 6 weeks. … Read More

Welcoming New Members

What an exciting time in the life of our church! Westminster has been blessed with several new church family members during the past couple of months. We welcome:Patrick and Anna Wade, Elizabeth Ridley, Jeanne and Larry Ridley, Tom and Robbie Gentry, Jennifer Shilling, Carole Morris, Anne Davidson, Brenda Seip, and Andy Bevers.

VBS for All Ages

Mark your calendars for a great week for all ages! We have some great speakers lined up.

May 11, 2012 Organ Recital

Organist Peter Sykes will be heard at Westminster Church this Friday evening, May 11, at 8:00 as part of this season’s Musica Organi recital series. An active recitalist, Mr. Sykes is Associate Professor of Music and Chair of the Historical Performance Department at Boston University and is one of this … Read More

Westminster Players Presents the Musical Carousel – April 27-29 at 7:30 p.m.

Unemployment, domestic violence, class divisions, criminal activity, and suicide: Fox News headlines? Or a Rodgers and Hammerstien musical!  Happily the joys of youth, community, and the challenge and redemption of unconditional love make Carousel one of R & H’s most entertaining and deeply touching works. Carousel is based on the 1909 play, Liliom, by Hungarian playwright … Read More