
NO WORRIES: LEARNING TO LIVE THE KIWI LIFE Mark your calendars for Thursday, May 9th at 8:30am. Jean and Brian Bonnyman will be sharing their observations and experiences from having lived in New Zealand during the year 2023. More than a travelogue, their presentation will touch on a variety of … Read More

Crafting Theology

The Men’s Crafting Theology Group will meet Sunday, May 5 at 6:30p at Marble City Market. Our discussion starter this time is a recent Christian Century article entitled, “In Praise of Church Musicians,” and our own Peter Van Eenam will be in attendance. So, come celebrate Peter and let’s talk … Read More

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY will meet Thursday, May 2 at 10:30am in the Lisa Kaufman Hall for potluck salad lunch after the meeting. Please bring your favorite salad bar item to add to the mix. Mary will provide salad greens and dressings.


Goldmine Trail in the Smokies, May 6 This is an out-and-back trail totaling 2 miles with rocky sections. First mile is downhill to the intersection with the Cooper Road trail thus the return is uphill (~300′). Hopefully we’ll see Pink Lady’s Slippers which typically bloom in early May. Hike can … Read More

MEN’S BREAKFAST on April 25th – Matt Ryerson, the CEO of United Way, will be our speaker. Matt should have some interesting facts about the United Way as well as human interest stories. Gordon Greeson will provide our breakfast, so we hope you will join us for a thought-provoking program … Read More

Game Day!

WPC Wombats softball game 9:00pm vs New Era Games are played at Caswell Park – 570 Winona Street, Knoxville


The 11:00am service will be held in the sanctuary