SOUPER BOWL OF CARING TODAY! It’s that time of year– chips, dip, Chiefs (again!), and the Souper Bowl of Caring. Today after both worship services, our youth will be collecting donations for one of their favorite food assistance organizations! The youth have decided to collect for the FISH Distribution Warehouse, … Read More

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will meet on Thursday, January 25th, at 8:30am in the McKinnon Room. Our speaker will be Steve Hoadley, who is a retired Cardiologist. During part of his career Steve spent a year each in 4 different places around the U.S. Steve will share what it was like … Read More

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

MEN’S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST will meet this Thursday, February 8th, at 8:30am in the McKinnon Room. Our speaker will be Jeremy Jennings, a new member at Westminster and a practicing immigration lawyer. He will share with us what is involved in working with immigrants in our community. Come join the group … Read More