February 24, 2011

With the registration for our All Church Retreat officially over tomorrow, I am happy to announce that there are 113 of us traveling to Fall Creek Falls in April. I am SO excited to spend the time together! There is a group forming to go see the play “The Silver Whistle” on that Friday at the Cumberland County Playhouse which is about half way from Knoxville to Fall Creek Falls. If you are interested, please see Betty McKeehan. If you haven’t registered yet but would like to go – please contact me and I’ll try to book you a room. Camping is available all the way up until the time of the retreat. We currently have eight families who are going to camp.

On February 27, immediately following the 11:00 a.m. worship service, there will be an informative meeting regarding the Dominican Republic mission trip scheduled for June 4 – 11. If you would like to attend, please meet up with the group in the Library.

On March 1, Buran’s last class in the BLT class will be studying Psalms  23 and 91. I really appreciate the insight that Buran has given us as well as the class discussion of what the psalmist is saying to us. It has been a really great class. You are more than welcome to join us this coming Tuesday at noon!