
Goldmine Trail in the Smokies, May 6

This is an out-and-back trail totaling 2 miles with rocky sections. First mile is downhill to the intersection with the Cooper Road trail thus the return is uphill (~300′). Hopefully we’ll see Pink Lady’s Slippers which typically bloom in early May. Hike can be extended onto Cooper Road trail to Hatcher Mt intersection (making hike a total of 7 miles) for those so inclined.
We’ll gather at the Karm Parking Lot (140 North Forest Park Blvd) at 8:30 AM to organize carpools and then drive to the Top of the World Recreation Center. Anyone driving on their own should meet us at this lot at 9:20 AM. We will take as few cars as possible to the trailhead, which is nearby. All directions will be provided to drivers.
Thanks to Jean Bonnyman for planning this hike!
Let me know if you can attend.
Cindy Spangler, spangler2@gmail.com