March 15

Happy Monday Westminster! I hope that you are having a great start to your week. I thought worship was really awesome yesterday. I loved the Westminster Strings music and I keep thinking about Buran’s message.  The Lord’s grace is such a powerful thing. It is so easy to take it for granted…. I also appreciate all the busy “angels” who worked over the weekend on the beginnings of our new and improved Reafsnyder Memorial Library! I am excited to see it come to life. And if this isn’t enough; I came into the church office this morning to find Bill Chappell’s grandfather clock. Words cannot begin to tell you how special this is to me for he built it with his very own hands. Every time it dings I just feel his hugs and laughter. It is amazing of how much that man’s presence was part of the everyday life of Westminster. I just plain miss him – as does so many of you all.

Couple of things to share with you:

Volunteer Ministry Center Breakfast is this coming Sunday. If you can help serve, please call Paula Hogan (357-2038). Her devotion to this community outreach is amazing! We appreciate you Paula!

Lenten soup dinner and vesper series continues Wednesday at 5:45 p.m. We hope that you make plans to join us!

Hugs and more hugs,

Renee  Wiesehuegel