May 4, 2014 Sunday Worship Schedule

Please note our special worship time this coming Sunday, May 4th. We will combine both worship services into one wonderful service at 10:30 am. Our confirmation class of 10 young adults will be confirmed into our congregation during the service. We will also be celebrating Holy Communion. Immediately afterwards, the congregation will be treated to an All Church Picnic at the home of Betty and Leonard McKeehan. The Trolley will be running nonstop to and from the McKeehan’s during the picnic. If you have not RSVPd, please call the church office as soon as possible. The cost is $7 per person with a family cap of $20. The menu consists of chicken, coleslaw, fruit, veggies, chips, rolls, and cookies for dessert. Our regular worship schedule will resume on May 11. We hope that you will join us!