OK – so have you built your boat yet??? Seriously – I am amazed that the heavens can hold so much rain! I am still hopeful that the Lord will bless us with SUNSHINE for Sunday’s big festivities! I think I overheard the weatherman say today that even if we didn’t get another drop of rain we would still have a surplus by the end of 2009!
Enough about the weather….Several people have information that they want you to know about:
RACE FOR THE CURE: Online registration closes tomorrow so don’t miss out! When registering, please remember to sign up under the team name “Tribe Alive”. Their website has future dates where you can go next week to sign up at West Town Mall if you don’t want to register online. www.komenknoxville.org.
ROAD TRIP: Interested in finding out how the non profits operate or looking for a volunteer opportunity? Then please join us on a road trip.
October 22 – Second Harvest Food Bank from 10:00 to 1:00 p.m.
October 21 or 23 – Mobile Meals 9:30 to noon. After viewing the kitchen process there will be a chance to join a team as they deliver meals. Let’s meet at the church about 40 minutes earlier and divide into car pools. then after our tours how about out to lunch for those with a little extra time and a good appetite. Please call Linda Van Beke (693-7610) or Kathy Shilling (470-8993).
NOON DAY RECITAL: If you happen to be in downtown Knoxville in the middle of the day on Monday, October 19, drop by St. John’s Cathedral for the Noonday Vocal Recital by Bettie Mason, with Margaret Harrison at the piano. They are performing songs by British composers: Butterworth, Parry, Stanford, and Britten. Their program, in the Great Hall at St. John’s, begins at 12:05 p.m. and runs until about 12:30. Lunch is available following the recital.
Johannes Brahms’ A German Requiem: The Chancel Choir and soloists will present Johannes Brahms’ A German Requiem Tuesday evening, November 3, at 7:30, in the sanctuary as a service of remembrance. An introduction to each movement will be given by Daniel Berry. We hope you’ll be able to join us! A nursery will be provided. As preparation for this service, please take advantage of the course on the Brahms taught by Reverend Muntz and Daniel Berry during the Sunday School hour each Sunday in October.
OUR STEWARDSHIP DINNER Please reserve Wednesday evening, November 4, to join us for the annual Stewardship Dinner. In keeping with our WWW format, we’ll have dinner at 5:45 PM and then give Buran a break in his teaching by having the Stewardship Ministry Team lead the program. Come and learn about Westminster’s programs and how your stewardship supports them.
WEDNESDAYS WITH WESTMINSTER was great last night. Many thanks to Angela for preparing that yummy lasagna, salad, and bread. I love seeing so many people here during the week. Next week’s current topic is “College Night”. This class will be designed for our high schoolers to help them with the college exploration process. We will have a professional admissions person here to make a presentation entitled “Called to College: Finding the Fit”. Here are some of the topics to be presented:
Search Tools – How to get Started – Visiting Opportunities – What Questions should I ask? – How to Apply – The Admissions Essay – Financial Aid – Scholarships – How to Compare One College to Another
In addition to the professional presentation, we will also have members of our church representing their alma maters and there will be brochures available from some of their colleges. Those members will also be available to answer questions. Christian Education Ministry Team requests that you send us the name of the college that you attended so that we can give a comprehensive list to the high schoolers on College Night. In addition to this current topics class, Buran will be continuing his theology class and the Companions in Christ class will continue their book study of “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World”. OR – you are welcome to just sit at the table and fellowship with one another. What a treat! So, put October 21 on your calendar for College Night at Westminster and bring a friend.
Renee Wiesehuegel