Youth Program for April 13, 2014

Bill and Bonnie Rogers are going to join us once again, and lead one of their super fun dance nights! We did this about a year ago, and had a fantastic laughter-filled evening of fun. B & B are teaching 50’s and 60’s style dance moves (think “sock hops”, the “twist”, and the “pony”.) **This is NOT creepy, ballroom/cotillion style dancing! We also will do some of our own “dances” (Energizers, Cha-Cha Slide, Gangnam Style, Rock ‘n Roll Hokey Pokey…) I guarantee you’ll be “Happy”- ™ Pharrel Williams. As usual, we’ll begin at 5 with a great Betty McKeehan dinner. We’ll be dancing downstairs in the big connected classroom. We’ll finish up by 7:00 pm. Don’t miss this fun event with our friends the Rogers!! See you soon. 

Yours in Christ, Barbara

“Let them praise his name in the dance” – Psalm 149:3