November 18, 2011

The Chancel Choir and soloists, accompanied by strings, oboe, trumpet, and organ, will sing Antonio Vivaldi’s Gloria as part of our observance of Christ the King Sunday. There will be one service that morning, at 11:00. We hope that you will join us this coming Sunday! In addition to the … Read More

Dedication Sunday is November 6, 2011

Bring your stewardship pledge to the 9:00 or 11:00 a.m. service, signifying your financial commitment to the work and mission of Westminster Church for 2012. The Stewardship Ministry Team has worked hard over the last three months teaching us several great ways to be a good steward. Our theme this year … Read More

October 2 is World Communion Sunday

We will celebrate worship this coming Sunday, October 2, at 11:00 am (the 9:00 am service will resume on October 9). Then at 3:00 pm, there is a concert in the Sanctuary. “Songs of Heaven” is a tribute to the great African-American Concert Spirituals. Please join us!

September 22

As we welcome in the first day of Autumn tomorrow, I rejoice in the knowledge of all the new and exciting events happening at Westminster! When you have a few minutes to spare, check out our calendar to get all the latest events added to our already eventful program!! I … Read More

Small Groups! Small Groups!

Bible Study – Prayer – Scrapbooking – Book Study – Book Club – Service –And More! Women of Westminster Presbyterian Church  –  You are invited to a Small Group organizational meeting and Salad Lunch at 11:15 a.m. on Sunday, August 21st, 2011 following the 10:00 a.m. worship service.  We will enjoy fellowship together and … Read More

August 3, 2011

I hope you’ve had a great start to your week. I’ve enjoyed visiting with members who have come by the church office to drop off diapers for the big Round Up. What an awesome congregation we have!  We welcome you to come on down to the Wet and Wild Diaper Round Up on August … Read More

July 15, 2011

Happy Friday, Westminster! What a joyful week it has been on account of our youth’s  involvement with Operation Backyard. I hope that you got to see the segment on Alive at Five at Four when they interviewed some of the youth as well as Barbara Adamcik. It sounds like a … Read More

June 13 2011

Good Afternoon Westminster! The  Mission Team members arrived safe and sound Saturday night from the DR. Later on in the summer, the team will be sharing their experiences with the eye glass clinic and installing a water system. This week our youth are in Montreat for a Youth Conference. Please … Read More

May 18, 2011

Good Afternoon Westminster! We will begin our summer worship schedule (10:00 a.m.) beginning Sunday, May 29. This schedule will continue through Sunday, September 7, 2011.

May 13, 2011

Can you believe that we are already approaching the second half of May? Just wanted to remind you of the upcoming weekend events: The Boys’ and Girls’ Choir end-of-the-year party is today at 4 pm. Pizza and time at Laser Quest! How fun!! Property will be hosting a CHURCH WORK … Read More

Musica Organi Recital on May 6, 2011

Organist Craig Cramer will be heard in recital at Westminster Friday evening, May 6, at 8:00 as part of this year’s Musica Organi series. Professor of Organ at the University of Notre Dame, Dr. Cramer holds degrees from Westminster Choir College and the Eastman School of Music, where he earned … Read More