Youth Program for April 13, 2014

Bill and Bonnie Rogers are going to join us once again, and lead one of their super fun dance nights! We did this about a year ago, and had a fantastic laughter-filled evening of fun. B & B are teaching 50’s and 60’s style dance moves (think “sock hops”, the … Read More

FISH Report

Angela Shilling wants to thank everyone who participated in the FISH Ministry yesterday.  Because of you, we were able to feed 132 people; 50 of them were children and 7 of them were over the age of 65! Know that you are making a difference in these people’s lives. One lady … Read More

April 10, 2014

Calendar of Events for Thursday: 7:00 am – Men’s Covenant Breakfast Fellowship 10:00 am – FISH Ministry 5:00 pm – Julia T’s Group 6:00 pm – Recorder Ensemble 7:00 pm – Handbell Choir 8:00 pm – Musical Practice

April 9, 2014 Lenten Service

Please join us tonight as we continue our Wednesday evening Lenten Series. Dinner begins at 5:45 pm (tonight’s selections are white bean soup and a vegetable beef soup, along with cornbread) and then the service begins at 6:30 pm. A nursery is provided. Our Wednesday night youth program also begins … Read More

Youth Events for Upcoming Weekend

SHOW Bonfire This Saturday!! Gail and Bo Clark have generously offered to host SHOW + the Confirmation class on their farm this Saturday, April 5, for a bonfire and cookout!! You can meet us at the church @ 5 pm, or meet us in the Hardin Valley Elementary parking lot … Read More

Smart Driver Course

Safer driving can save you money. Take this new AARP course and you could reduce your overall maintenance and car insurance costs. Refresh your driving skills and know new rules of the road. Learn research-based driving strategies to help you stay safe behind the wheel. This course will be offered … Read More

Spring Work Day on April 5, 2014

Come join us for part or all of this workday as we spruce up the church building and grounds. We will gather Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. There are numerous and diverse jobs for all, both inside and outside. So put on your old clothes and bring your … Read More

Lenten Series

Join us at 5:45 p.m. each Wednesday evening during Lent for a simple meal of soup and bread, followed by a service of evening prayers in the sanctuary. This reflective time focuses on scripture, song and prayer as we prepare ourselves for Easter. Childcare will be provided after dinner.  

Ash Wednesday Service

We hope that you will join us on March 5, beginning at 7:00 pm, in our Sanctuary for our Ash Wednesday Worship Service. The season of Lent continues for 40 days, not counting Sundays, and prepares us for the celebration of the resurrection of Christ. A Lenten Series will be offered … Read More

February 12, 2014

Due to the expected snow this afternoon, we have decided to cancel Wednesdays With Westminster for tonight. We hope that you have a safe and peaceful night at home! As for church office hours during inclement weather, we make every attempt to get here. However, you might want to call … Read More

Dr. Lauren Winner speaking Feb. 22nd

On Saturday, February 22nd at 7:00pm, Westminster Presbyterian Church will host Dr. Lauren Winner, Assistant Professor of Christian Spirituality at Duke Divinity School. The title of Dr. Winner’s presentation will be “Overlooked Images of God.” Dr. Winner will explore often-overlooked biblical images of God and will also draw upon contemporary … Read More

February 3, 2014

We have a lot of exciting events happening in February! Keep posted on the latest Westminster events! Tuesday, February 4 – Buran/Lunch/Theology class at noon (McKinnon Room) Wednesday, February 5 – WWW – Wednesdays With Westminster – begins at 5:45 pm with a scrumptous dinner. All the programs begin at … Read More