Westminster Church has over 50 years of community, ministry, and worshiping together. The music program will continue to be actively involved in every aspect of the church’s life, revisiting great music of past years as well as introducing new music. I look forward to the many opportunities for musical growth and sharing in worship the music program affords the congregation, and I am eager to begin this year’s journey. My thanks always to the vast community of devoted musicians present and past. I want to invite everyone in the Westminster community to become involved. The choirs cannot flourish and effectively serve without you. As the church receives its life from the diverse gifts of its members, so too does each choir. We are a connectional church and we build up our church’s body through the wonderful bonding and interaction that take place in small groups such as choirs. The music program begins its regular weekly rehearsal schedule soon. Our program is designed to cultivate the musical contributions to worship of the entire congregation and we have a seat waiting for you! Westminster Music Program
Peter Van Eenam
Organist and Choirmaster
Westminster Presbyterian Church