Holy Week Schedule

I hope that you have enjoyed both  the Wednesday  and Sunday Lenten Series offered during Lent.  Tonight’s dinner begins at 5:45 pm with the prayer service beginning at 6:30 in the Sanctuary.  The remaining Holy Week Schedule is: Palm Sunday Services, April 17 –  9:00 and 11 a.m.; Sunday School … Read More

Westminster Player’s Presents “God’s Favorite”

Who knew misery could be so funny? God’s Favorite, Neil Simon’s comical retelling of the Bible’s Book of Job will be presented April 8-10 at Westminster. Show times are 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and 2:00 p.m. on Sunday. After wealthy Long Island businessman, Joe Benjamin is visited by … Read More

March 17, 2011

Good Afternoon Westminster, I want to update you on some events being held during the Lenten season: WEDNESDAY EVENING LENTEN SERIES Join us at 5:45 p.m. each Wednesday evening during Lent for a simple meal of soup and bread, followed by a service of evening prayers in the sanctuary. This … Read More

March 4, 2011

Happy Friday Westminster! Aren’t you loving all this sunshine? Someone shared with me this great saying yesterday – “If the grass seems greener on the other side of the fence – it is time to spread fertilizer”. =) I’ve been thinking about how important it is to apply this simple phrase … Read More

March 3, 2011

Good Afternoon Westminster, Isn’t it awesome to drink in this sunshine the Lord is blessing us with today??? I don’t know when I have been so ready for winter to be over with than I am this year.  You want to know something cool? The bulbs I planted from the … Read More

February 24, 2011

With the registration for our All Church Retreat officially over tomorrow, I am happy to announce that there are 113 of us traveling to Fall Creek Falls in April. I am SO excited to spend the time together! There is a group forming to go see the play “The Silver … Read More

Musica Organi – Friday, January 21

ORGANIST CHARLES BOYD TOMPKINS will be heard in recital at Westminster Church Friday evening, January 21, at 8:00 as part of this season’s Musica Organi series. Dr. Tompkins is a graduate of the Eastman School of Music and the University of Michigan and is University Organist and Professor of Music … Read More

Wednesdays With Westminster

The Westminster parking lot is a winter wonderland!  The snow is absolutely gorgeous! We have decided to postpone tonight’s Epiphany Party until next Wednesday (January 12). Hopefully all that yummy soup that Worship, Music, and the Arts cooked for us tonight can be put to great use!  So mark your … Read More

Sunday, December 26, 2010

We have decided to cancel Sunday worship due to the snowy conditions. We hope that you have a very safe and happy Sunday!

December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Westminster! What a beautiful Advent season we have had together at Westminster! I look forward to our Christmas Eve services tonight. The bulletins for both the 5 pm and the 11 pm services have been posted on the website under the “Worship” tab. Just a reminder that both … Read More

December 13, 2010

Christmas miracles really do happen!  If you attended last evening’s performance of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, you witnessed one.  For most miracles, a lot of prayer, preparation, and persistence precede the actual event.  Last evening was no exception.  Our youthful actors and actresses and their parents spent hours memorizing … Read More

December 6, 2010

Happy Monday Westminster! Only 19 more days until we get to celebrate the birthday of our sweet Savior!  The Advent music shared last Tuesday set the tone for my advent season. I appreciate our choir members who give of their time and talent so freely! I had the joy of sitting … Read More