June 4, 2010

Happy Friday Westminster! It rolled around quickly this week. I have a couple of reminders for you: Share the Bounty begins this Sunday. Bring your extra flowers and/or produce to Sunday’s table. All monies placed in the donation jar will be donated to local food charities. Cool, huh? Montreat Service Project: … Read More

“Sowing Generously”

II Corinthians 9:6-15. I love this passage in the Bible. When I read it today – it so reminded me of the generosity of the Westminster family of faith. Whether there is work to be done at the FISH Pantry, or building a Habitat house, or painting in the Library, … Read More

May 19 2010

Good Morning Westminster, Happy Wednesday! Can you believe it is already the 19th of May? I want to remind you that there is one worship service this coming Sunday at 11:00 a.m. There is special music and involvement of the kids during the opening hymn as we celebrate Pentecost Sunday. … Read More

All Church Picnic

Please join us this coming Sunday, May 9th, as we celebrate our 2010 Confirmation Class as well as Senior Sunday. Immediately after the 11:00 a.m. worship service, we will all gather in the Schilling Gallery and the courtyard for our annual church picnic. The chicken, mashed potatoes, and all the … Read More

April 19, 2010

Good afternoon Westminster, Happy Monday to you! Wasn’t Sunday’s worship service powerful? From Peter’s prelude all the way through John’s sermon – I just keep thinking about how blessed we all are to worship together and journey our faith with one another. It was the first time I’ve heard the … Read More

“Hope for Creation”

On Wednesday, April 21st, the eve of the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day, Blessed Earth will host a live, one-night-only simulcast event entitled “Hope for Creation,” to highlight the issue of faith-based environmental stewardship. The event begins at 7:30 p.m. and lasts for one hour. Thousands of churches and religious … Read More

Musica Organi

Dear Westminster Congregation and Friends, I would like to personally invite you to attend this Friday evening’s Musica Organi recital with Canadian organist John Grew. The series’ planning committee and the Knoxville Chapter of the American Guild of Organists are pleased to present this outstanding organist! I also want to … Read More

Visioning Task Force Report

Read the new Visioning Task Force Report to the Session and learn why Westminster Presbyterian Church is “where Faith and Life connect.”

Holy Week Schedule

Palm Sunday, March 28: Worship services at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. with Sunday School for all ages at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, March 31: Lenten Soup dinner at 5:45 p.m., followed by a Lenten Service in the Sanctuary Maundy Thursday, April 1: Communion Service and Tennebrae Service at 8:00 p.m. Easter … Read More

March 15

Happy Monday Westminster! I hope that you are having a great start to your week. I thought worship was really awesome yesterday. I loved the Westminster Strings music and I keep thinking about Buran’s message.  The Lord’s grace is such a powerful thing. It is so easy to take it … Read More